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Features of YouTube promotion

YouTube is one of the most popular search engines that could compete even with Google. The number of video views per month exceeds billions and takes up to sixty minutes per day for a person.

Video is an expensive business, not every company risks investing money into promotion with its help. The most watched YouTube video can gain a multimillion audience, so it’s difficult to compete. To increase the number of active subscribers, you have to work hard, study the market, be engaged into promotion.

Many people see it as an idea of additional income, have blogs, get paid for it. This is a good source for the business presentation.

If you do not use this search engine for promotion of your services, think about it. This is the place where a lot of people with different interests gather together. Perhaps there is your audience among them.

You can effectively leverage the opportunities of YouTube to expand your reach. Think over an interesting advertising idea for the products and services promotion. Or you can create your own tv shows on YouTube. People are interested to watch something helpful in their everyday life.

This allows business to reach a new level. Therefore, it is worth studying its functionality and capabilities. With the proper settings, you can track all the video parameters, study statistics and act in accordance with the customers’ wishes.

Features of YouTube promotion


• Features of YouTube promotion

• Professional advice

• Cross promotion

• Interacting with the audience

• Popular ways of promotion

• Internal optimization

• External optimization

Professional advice

There are several factors influencing videos popularity:

1. Quality of content. Of course, the video should be edited from a technical point of view. It is important that the basic rules and placement algorithms are followed. But the most important thing is its content. That’s the main issue. Even if you create an exciting movie with an interesting plot, humor and a touch of instructiveness, all this will not make sense without a smart approach to optimizing the content. Therefore, first of all analyze the niche, study what the competitors’ offer, and then act actively.

2. Sound and image quality. If there is a good idea, think about its implementation. Users love to watch a high-quality picture. Therefore, make sure your camera is stabilized and films nicely. Nowadays such features are available at any mobile device. Even many popular bloggers record videos on their smartphones. Do not forget about the sound quality. Many users do not watch the video just because it is hard to hear what is happening. Act smartly.

3. Channel optimization. Now you have to optimize the content. Come up with a bright headline, a unique address. Write tags and do not forget about how it looks. The way you present yourself is half the success.

4. Video optimization. To get the income from the recorded video, describe it correctly. Think over the SEO-name, make a structure, write a description and a cover.

5. Interaction. This indicator affects the rating of your video. Therefore, it is important to create a positive impression on your subscribers to attract more attention from people.

These are just some characteristics that are impossible to do without. But even these are enough to start an efficient promotion of YouTube recipes video, for example.

Useful article: "YouTube as a Means of Advertising Business. How to Start a Channel on YouTube and Make Money on It"

Cross promotion

This indicator includes the following:

• create mailings, make posts in the social networks so that as many people as possible learn about your activity;

• place a link to the YouTube channel on your website or social network page, this will attract more users and get their interest in watching videos;

• allow users to embed their own content, send a link to the video to popular bloggers;

• for product reviews, mention useful information for potential buyers so that they do not have more questions.

Do not be afraid to interact with the audience.

When working with people, follow these rules:

• do not hesitate to contact all possible potential subscribers;

• use descriptions to make users want to leave comments;

• allow writing messages;

• study how to create a playlist on YouTube to classify videos by subject and speed up search;

• contact viewers, ask them questions, specify details to improve the quality of the content;

• organize contests, give prizes.

Useful article: "How YouTube works without the Internet Connection"

Features of YouTube promotion

Popular ways of promotion

There are several methods of the YouTube channel promotion. The first one is internal optimization. It makes possible to bring the video to the top search engine rankings for a long time. This method works only for the unpopular requests. For the frequent requests, it will not be efficient, since there are loads of such content on the Internet.

The second way is external optimization:

• organize an advertising campaign to attract the audience;

• introduce various links and descriptions at the third-party services;

• purchase advertising;

• interact with bloggers.

Internal optimization

Do not forget that various parameters affect the popularity of search queries. There is certain pattern in it.

Tags are one of the most important parameters. They have almost no effect on the rating, but allow pushing the video to the list of similar ones. Use special services to search for tags, explore a niche to find popular queries. The competitiveness of each one is quite problematic to be found. You have to write scripts for this purpose.

The title is more important because it has a huge impact on search. Its length should not exceed one hundred characters. The brand name should be written at the end, the main key phrase - at the very beginning. A proper header allows to send videos to the top search queries quickly, as they get indexed by the system immediately.

The best cooking YouTube channels can use pictures and thematic images. Call your subscribers to action with the text information.

The description is needed not for people, but for YouTube itself. Use the key requests, persuade people to act for attracting the potential customers attention. Text length is up to two thousand words. The first two lines are displayed, so they should contain the main appeal.

Subtitles are also important. They allow to find the video quickly. This should be taken into account, but don’t overdo with the key phrases, as you risk blocking the channel.

Active comments are one of the main factors affecting the video’s popularity. Do not be afraid to respond, to join the discussions. Any, even negative response is important, as it helps to keep developing.

Useful article: "Benefits of YouTube Video Hosting"

Features of YouTube promotion

External optimization

Some people mistakenly believe that external optimization allows to:

buy YouTube views and quickly get into the popular section - it is expensive and inefficient;

• it is important to use one tool – no way; it is better to use the whole complex for efficiency;

• a young channel cannot become popular - even a newcomer can promote a good idea;

• if everything is done well, there is nothing to worry about - no, it is important to work with the audience, to answer questions.

YouTube channel promotion takes time and knowledge in the field of SEO. Competent using of services and tools will help to increase sales, attract audience and become popular.

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