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Views in Telegram. Tips and tricks

Lately all the efforts of the channel owners were aimed at increasing the number of their audience but no one took care of the views number. Now it becomes more and more obvious that the number of views is a significant part of any channel’s analytics. When choosing a channel as a platform for advertising the number of views will be crucial for the customer.

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Views in Telegram. Tips and tricks.

Let’s discuss the main tips and tricks, how to increase significantly the posts views. But first let’s define what is considered a view.

A view is a number of times one person has viewed your post from one device, i.e. if the same person viewed the post first from the smartphone, then from the computer it will be counted as two views. All subsequent views are recorded but considered non-unique and are not of great interest.

Views can be boosted for free and not for free.

Paid views boost

Views boost via the special SEO stock-exchanges. There are lots of them and for minimum money you can attract the audience to your channel. It is a quick way to attract live people to view your posts but it’s not really effective. Since highly likely people will not even stay on the channel and in future you will have to buy Telegram views again.

Boosting up with the bots in Telegram. The principle here is the same as at the SEO stock-exchanges but it’s done in Telegram itself. A person is invited to subscribe to your channel for fee and not to unsubscribe for 5-7 days. Here, of course, it’s a matter of taste but it’s up to you to decide how right it is to “buy” a subscriber who isn’t really interested in viewing your posts and in a week will unsubscribe anyways.

Boost up with reposts. When a repost is published on another channel the counter counts the views on the source channel. The advantage of this option is that there are links to your channel in the body of the repost and if a person is really interested in the post he or she can go to your channel, view some more posts and possibly subscribe.

This option can be either paid or free (for example, if you ask friends or acquaintances to place a repost on their channel).

Boost via the external sites. This new option allows you to show the record on external sites and is also used as a tool for a boost up.

When using paid services, please pay your attention to the following:

  • Check attentively the conditions of the services provided, perhaps there are details that will not work for you;
  • Payment should be made via the well-known payment system with guaranteed security;
  • Talk to the customer support service. This will help you to estimate the speed of response and get a general impression of the service;
  • Make a minimal order to test the service without risking large amounts first.

The number of posts views lets you know to some extent about the reputation of the author. But still it is not necessary to boost it with fake views. It is easy to calculate if the views were added artificially for getting the bigger number next to the “eye” icon (it’s enough to watch the channel and check its analytics on Telemetr and Tgstat, the experienced admins do this before starting an advertising campaign. It is better to systematically work on the content of the channel choosing fairways of attracting the audience.

Views in Telegram. Tips and tricks.

How can I increase the number of views for free?

The channel’s content must be consistent and in the new posts it will be appropriate to refer to the earlier posts. When the subscriber will scroll down he will check more posts and add you more views.

It makes sense to express one’s thoughts in posts briefly for many reasons, you’ll benefit in posts views number this way as well. If the post is short the next posts will draw the reader’s view, adding +1 to their karma.

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Pin a message with the useful info. When we go to the channel we are trying to estimate if the information on the channel is matching your interests. Most often we scroll through the publications from the top to bottom. The pinned message explains what kind of channel it is, why it was created, who is the author and what he or she does in life, this will allow us to understand immediately if it’s going to be useful for us. If you have this message fixed at the very top of the channel it is highly likely that the reader will start checking all the posts moving from the very first ones down.

Mutual ads on the friends’ channels. If you share your views or you like publications on other channels it may also be interesting for your readers. You can agree with that channel’s administrator about the terms of recommending each other or reposting publications.

If, however, you decide to follow the paid path and you need live telegram members just use our service all-smm.com, with its help you will increase the database of real subscribers and boost your views number.

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