Home Blog Telegram Adding more subscribers and views in Telegram

Adding more subscribers and views in Telegram

Telegram is a relatively new project among the other social networks created by Pavel Durov. But we can say it is quite successful and popular among the users. Due to its constant updates and new features more and more people get interested in the new application.

The service’s functionality allows people to fully communicate distantly via Internet. Such top instant messengers as Viber and WhatsApp have already admitted that Telegram is their competitor. Another popular project of the same author is a social network called Vkontakte with its about 400 million users from all over the world. This makes a good reason to believe that the new app will also gain a great success.

Adding more subscribers and views in Telegram


  • What developers can offer
  • Why you should contact us
  • Boost or promotion - how to make a decision
  • When to use boost in Telegram
  • Summary

What developers can offer

The most popular feature of the new application is having public channels created by example of the successfully implemented ones in Vkontakte. Depending on the access types they are divided into public and private ones. To get more users interested in the channel one could use the opportunity of boosting up the subscribers in Telegram. Similar opportunities already exist in other social networks and therefore the algorithm of the programs has already been proved to be ideal and well-tested.

In addition to boosting up the number of subscribers one can also increase the number of posts views in Telegram. All conditions for getting great popularity of your channel in the shortest period are there for you.

Useful article: ‘How to choose a topic for the Telegram channel (Telegram).’

Adding more subscribers and views in Telegram

Why you should contact us

This service is relatively new but is widely popular already. By contacting us you will receive a vivid and easy to remember public channel which popularity will increase every other day. You may know that people viewing the content are attracted by other users’ activity and their opinions. They believe that if there are many users subscribed to the channel then the information posted is 100% interesting for them.

In Telegram today there are many interesting channels. They take all the audience’s attention and small newly created pages just go unnoticed and unpopular. How to attract new subscribers in this case? Among the channels with the same type of subject people tend to choose those having the bigger interest of other people. By boosting up your subscribers you will receive a popular account in no time you can use it as a platform for advertising.

Adding more subscribers and views in Telegram

Boost or promotion - how to make a decision

It’s highly likely you have faced a problem when there are many subscribers but only a small part of them visit the channel every day. The reasons may be as follows:

  • You use content not interesting to anyone;
  • When boosting up the users with the interests not corresponding to the subject of your channel might be added.

Useful article: ‘Telegram posts: 6 Telegram content features.’

In the first case the number of subscribers would be gradually going down. If that is not the case, you are dealing with the boost.

Boost or promotion?

Boost or promotion... These two similar words are very different in the principles of work. Many people are confusing them by mistake and it is high time to explain the difference.

For promotion aimed at increasing the number of subscribers one can invite third parties showing interest to the channel. This is voluntary and can be done for free including mutual subscriptions, advertising content in certain directories or having an agreement with the third-party resources. Paid promotion of a resource is also possible: the use of advertising platforms and exchanges for your account promotion.

Boost of Telegram members can be only paid. You need to invest money in order to get guaranteed and pre-negotiated precise number of members or views.

Adding more subscribers and views in Telegram

When to use boost in Telegram

Potential customers before being offered to put their ads on your channel will certainly evaluate its popularity according to certain factors. These include the number of interested users, the number of likes, and the level of content update. But the customer will not contact you again if the advertisement will turn out to be ineffective.

Useful article: ‘The use of bots in Telegram.’

Use the Telegram members and views boost in case you have just created a public channel. With such a start you will be able to attract the maximum of the audience interested and later you could remove the fake users. This is required for maintaining statistics on the ratio of the number of active users to their total number. This could be done with the bot cleaning.

You can boost up the number of subscribers, likes or views in your Telegram. Everything is clear with the subscribers and likes: after paying for the service specially created users are added to your channel. What about the likes? According to the official data there is no such functionality in the app.

When using the @like bot for adding new content to each newly added record it is possible to add a ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ icon. If a person presses a smiling emoji it is considered a like. It is one of the most reliable ways to find out how many active subscribers you have. This fact is necessarily taken into account by potential customers. Telegram post views boost is needed if you have many subscribers but they do not want to be active. It is much easier for people to show their opinion when it coincides with the opinion of others.

Adding more subscribers and views in Telegram


Now you know how to use the Telegram channel so that it brings you the maximum benefit. Boost will be a great way out at the times when your page is gaining popularity. However, everything should be done in a clever manner as you need to end up with a live account, not just a bunch of inactive subscribers.

Take advantage of boosting up likes, views or users but do not use these too often. If there are about five thousand subscribers then further boost is simply not need. Approach the selection of interesting records thoroughly and you will succeed! Good luck in your future endeavors!

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