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Differences between YouTube Mobile and PC Version

Subscribers boost on the popular YouTube service is the dream of many channel owners. It is nice to see a big subscribers’ number next to the nickname. However, it is necessary to take into consideration that there are significant differences in the work of the desktop and mobile version of the video hosting. We’ll go into details in this article.

1. Features of the PC version
1.1. Multitasking
1.2. Full functionality
2. Features of the mobile version
2.1. Quality restrictions
2.2. Browser operation
3. Conclusion

Differences between YouTube Mobile and PC Version

Features of the PC version

The PC version of YouTube is original. All the updates and new features appear initially and are being tested here. Then, when the solutions are tested, they are introduced to the mobile version. This allows developers to fix critical errors and bugs much faster: it is much easier to fix them in the PC version, because not all users are ready to update the mobile application several times a day. The browser version can be updated at least daily, without any problems for the users.


One of the distinguishing features of the PC version is the ability to play multiple videos at once (the total number is not limited). At the same time, this will not work on a smartphone. Even playing the video in the background will be difficult on the smartphone and possible only with the purchase of a special subscription on YouTube.Premium. There are also some problems here - when playing several videos simultaneously, there might be an increased load on the PC.

Full functionality

Another distinctive feature is the ability to use additional functionality, such as configuration functions and other things. It is also available on the smartphone, but the PC version is much more convenient. It is meant that the user will use the display and location settings only once, same as the additional account settings to continue using the video hosting service on the smartphone, without thinking about the settings.

Features of the mobile version

Speaking about the differences between the versions, it is necessary to understand that you will not see any serious differences. The task, how to enable subtitles on YouTube, is similar both on the mobile version and on the PC. Same as many other useful features. But still there are some differences. The most obvious one is the design, but it is inevitable, because it is impossible to display the standard design on the mobile version as it can cause problems for the user with the consumption of content.

Useful article: "YouTube Popularity. How to Use the Network’s Features"

Differences between YouTube Mobile and PC Version

Quality restrictions

One of the main differences of the mobile version is the video quality limit. It depends on the size of the smartphone screen. Accordingly, on a screen that supports only HD resolution, it is not possible to play video in FullHD or 4K. The same is with starting video in 4K on FullHD - this option is not even presented. This was restricted to ensure that the users do not overload their smartphones.

Browser operation

If the YouTube application is not installed on the smartphone, you can always use the browser. The question of how to open YouTube in the browser android is not that difficult. It is enough to open the browser, enter the link to the video hosting and you can watch any video using all the useful features. All standard functions are available in the mobile browser, however it is preferable to use a special app. It is much more convenient and works faster, there are no problems with long-term video loading.


Today, most people consume content on smartphones or tablets as it is much more convenient. When developing your channel, it is necessary to take into account and work with the audience accordingly. A great way to ensure stable growth of the channel is to buy YouTube subscribers at the service All-SMM. A large number of views and subscribers draws attention to the channel, videos can get to the top on YouTube, from which new views will be generated. Many people think that this service is very expensive, but in fact it is not. Prices are affordable, and the effect is certainly worth it.

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